Tuesday, June 29, 2010

work hard for the money...

In seven years I hope to play in what I like, in public administration. Mainly in an area where you can display and make my ideas, where my professional development is viable, but above all a place that allows the realization of my projects and my desire to change the world.

I would like to work as close as possible to the social world, so disposed to serve in the field or in which it has contact with people, want to work side by side in the development of their proposals based on good information.

Public sector has historically my taste a place in the decisions that affect society, its proximity to the social world can be felt daily in their various institutions, especially when they benefit from decentralization. My performance in this, not only lives but also historical reasons of views, not wanting to generalize about the private sector believe that often the people in it are taken as users of various services business, and not as citizens using their rights.

My dream is to return to the place where I was born and raised, to change the world from there, in order to change the lives of those who have delimited the "world" to which I belong. Away from the capital's pollution yearning that arising sudden projects and their achievements were achieved in the best way, do not seek total and immediate change, but the constant change in which we fight daily.

Public sector in general provides many benefits to its employees, these are not my priority but I consider very important as motivators and the challenge it brings to work daily with the public who feels most often pleased with what we are given...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A world of letters

Books are an important part in my life and they take a lot of my time. I like to read every kind of books, but my favorite books are novels and history books, because they keep me amused and concentrated.
In this moment I’m reading some book by Jürgen Habermas, such as "Ciencia y Técnica como Ideología", for a paper of science theory about the power. This book is about the power systems, and the relationship of social power and power legitimacy.
My favorite book is Martin Rivas by Alberto Blest Gana. It talks about the story of a provincial young man that arrives in the capital, and it describes the life in Chile in the XIX century, showing the political and historical reality. Also I like other books as "Un lugar sin Limites" by Jose Donoso, "La reina Isabel cantaba rancheras" by Hernan Rivera Letelier, "Retrato en sepia" by Isabel Allende, "Niebla" by Miguel Unamuno and "Cien años de soledad" by Gabriel García Márquez.
In don’t believe and I don't want that the book disappear with the advent of internet, I consider that they are beautiful in paper as well as romantic, they are a great memory to us. Anyway I think that every book must have its version on the web for greater diffusion and scope of the books to the whole society.

In Chile there exists a low level of reading in all the population and the reading comprehension is terrible. For this reason the National Development Plan of Reading was born that aims at encouraging the habit of reading in the broadest sense, reaching as many audiences, with special emphasis on children and youth.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

gender and the state

In the last decades of the 20th century, the woman role had an important social, culture and politic recognition. However even the work opportunities and the wages are lower, this tendency is bigger in the lower strata. In the health and social forecast level the woman present multiple difficult for to access to the valid system. Education level instead the woman obtain, better result. While entry into paid work has helped to lift many households out of poverty, does not constitute substantive changes in parental relationships within the family or position of women in the family, so if we add domestic violence we can see that still need significant changes in this field. Where present the major inequality gender is in the decision- taking process, particularly in the economical and the political field, limiting the integral development of the woman.For the Sernam. The search for gender equity is a constituent part of the public policy consideration. This organ was born in 1991 of the to be publicated in the law 19203, Chile has ratify Multiple international treaty about promote the advancement of women. Since 1990, the Chilean state has promoted diverse equality plans, adding them to its government agenda.

Every this measure has contributed to a major social conscience.