Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Films ...

Films are very important for culture and information circulation.

I watch the majority of the films in my home but I prefer to go the cinema. This is a religious experience, the surrounding sound, the giant image, all this mysticism is fantastic.

I don't like films about a special topic, there are films that I like a lot for example, "The lord of the ring", "Harry Potter", "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Edward Scissorhands", but my favorite film is "STAR WARS", this film is wonderful, its characters as R2D2 and C3PO are very funny.

I see Chilean films too, some movies such as "Cachimba", "Mi mejor Enemigo", "Machuca", "Isla Dawson" and "La Nana". During last week I went also to Cine Arte Alameda to see alternative films and Chilean short movies; this experience is very new for me. In general films are a good hobby.

Finally I recommend the last film that I watched, "The Kite Runner": essence of the story, which focuses on two boys and their relationship around a beautiful Afghan tradition, the fighting kites and the hunting of the defeated kite as a symbol of triumph.


  1. I didn't see The Kite Runner, but I read the book, and I loved it because of the relationship between the two kids and because I didn't know the Afghan culture.

  2. What film did you go to see in Cine Arte Alemeda? "Te creis la mas linda, pero eris la mas puta"? Did you enjoy it?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
